For Liberty: Art and Design of the Hong Kong Protests
Identity System/ Packaging Design/ Print/ Branding/ Chinese-English
For Liberty is a project inspired by the art and design of the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests of 2014 and 2019. Combining symbolic elements of the movements, such as umbrellas, graffiti and tear gas, the catalog and accompanying collateral hope to immortalize the spirit and power behind the artists, the people, and the cause of the movements.
Supervising Professor
Melissa Kuperminc
Year of Completion

During the Hong Kong protests, thousands of graphics and illustrations were quickly made and distributed. Appropriation and dark humor was a common theme of these graphics, hence I wanted to create my own graphic for my collateral.
Inspired by the Morton Salt girl, I used iconic symbols from the protests, such as a gas mask and yellow umbrella, to accessorize my Hong Kong girl.
Unable to feature many graphics in my catalog, I wanted to feature more of these graphics in my collateral, and designed playing cards to do so.